Version 2 Updates

New Version Available - EstiMate 2

Current Version:

Download and Installation Instructions

There are two files released for version 2 - they are the installer for EstiMate 2 and the installer for the Multi-User Server. You must use the new 2 version of the multi user server with the new 2 version of EstiMate.

Note: If you are using the multi-user server, please follow the instructions below carefully in order to properly install EstiMate 2. It's not difficult but you must follow the steps.

Downloading And Installing The Multi-User Server:

  1. Download eServerSetup.exe and save the installer to the desktop of the computer you are currently running the multi-user server on.
  2. Have everyone on your network close any running copies of EstiMate.
  3. RIGHT click on the Multi user server icon at the bottom right of your screen, and choose "Exit." (example on right).
  4. Run the installer you downloaded, which will install the new multi user server. If you get an error message when installing it is 98.763% likely that you have not properly closed the already-running multi user server, in which case you should revisit step 3.

Multi-User Server 2 Download Link: Download eServerSetup.exe 2

Downloading And Installing The New 2 Version of EstiMate:

  1. Make sure EstiMate is not running on your computer.
  2. Download the installer to your desktop and run it.

EstiMate 2 Updater Download Link: Download EstiMate 2 Update

That's it... and as always.... HAPPY PRICING!!!